March 9, 2010
Our latest webinar: Out of Balance is updated with a fresh FY 2011 budget critique, offering a unique tool for organizers, activists, local and state officials and policy analysts. Participants will be able to download the presentation slides, analysis, talking points and state-level data sheets for community meetings, meetings with their congressional representatives, or to facilitate their own Out of Balance presentation.
This time around we'll examine both opportunities and challenges in President Obama's proposed budget, especially as they relate to discretionary spending. Information in this one-hour webinar will include:
· Critical needs for each state and major cities
· State's budget crisis and this year's federal spending by state
· Proposed state-level health care, education, energy and community development/human needs spending
· Discretionary spending trends
· Federal spending and job creation
Please contact us if you have any questions. We can do special webinars for selected audiences from your organization and support you and your staff as you use this extraordinary information in your advocacy efforts.