Sept. 4, 2014
Our Voter’s Guides give you the low-down on our federal government’s role in vital systems we all care about, including education, health care, and the military, as well as how we can pay for it all through taxes and the role of deficits and the national debt, and key questions to ask candidates.
May 20, 2014
National Priorities Project, Peace Action, along with a terrific group of colleagues, have assembled all the materials you need to enter the current national debate about Pentagon spending within the federal budget, while building the capacity of colleagues and allies to join you!
April 1, 2014
National Priorities Project examines how new budget proposals stack up against what Americans want.
March 24, 2014
Funding by state for select federal programs including Head Start, Special Education, and Medicaid.
March 19, 2014
President Obama recently released his 2015 budget proposal. And budgets are about priorities: What we’re going to spend money on, and how we’re going to raise the money that we’re spending. These pictures tell the story of the priorities in the president’s budget.
Also Includes:
March 4, 2014
New budget includes $56 billion in additional spending, relieving sequestration for fiscal 2015.
March 4, 2014
Across-the-board budget cuts have had a much smaller impact on military spending than news reports suggest.
Feb. 12, 2014
Recently the nation has endured one Congress-made, budget-related crisis after another. National Priorities Project documents the twists and turns.
Jan. 28, 2014
Earlier this month, congressional lawmakers enacted an omnibus spending bill that would fund the federal government for fiscal year 2014. Here's how the omnibus compares to 2013 spending levels.
Dec. 11, 2013
Senate Budget Committee Chair Patty Murray and her House counterpart Rep. Paul Ryan came to a deal on the federal budget. See exactly what the deal contains.