July 20, 2017
U.S. military spending, with its major focus on exerting U.S. influence and dominance overseas, has an analog here at home: spending on policing, incarceration, and immigration enforcement.
March 21, 2016
National Priorities Project examines how new budget proposals stack up to Americans’ priorities.
Also Includes:
Feb. 17, 2016
The National Priorities Project breaks down President Obama’s $4.2 trillion budget proposal in a series of pictures.
Feb. 11, 2016
New proposal calls for investment in domestic priorities but also prioritizes Pentagon spending and military force.
March 19, 2015
National Priorities Project examines how new budget proposals stack up against what Americans want.
March 16, 2015
Tax Day is coming up on April 15. Wondering where your 2014 income taxes went?
Also Includes:
Feb. 9, 2015
President Obama recently released his fiscal year 2016 budget proposal. And budgets are about our nation’s priorities: What are we going to spend money on? How are we going to raise the money we want to spend? These pictures tell the story of the priorities found in the president’s budget.
Also Includes:
Feb. 4, 2015
President Obama's budget proposal includes spending above sequestration caps for defense and non-defense, and many initiatives that would be widely popular with Americans.
Dec. 15, 2014
On Saturday, the Senate passed a U.S. budget that avoided a government shutdown, set the stage for a February showdown over immigration, relaxed financial investment rules implemented under the Dodd-Frank Act, raised limits on campaign contributions, and made policy changes in virtually every public policy arena you care about.
Nov. 20, 2014
NPP's State Smart offers an easy-to-use look at dozens of ways that federal dollars flow between states and the U.S. Treasury. This report examines the influence of the Great Recession on these dynamics and their impact on our everyday lives.