NPP Brings You Competing Visions: Election Edition

Photo Courtesy of Vox Efx

Each week for the past two months, we have blogged about our new suite of Voter’s Guides, designed to give voters just like you an opportunity to learn about important election issues, ask questions of your candidates, and get ready to vote next week!

This week, we revisit our popular Competing Visions analysis and provide you with a breakdown of how some lawmakers propose divvying up the federal budget. Because that’s what all our voter’s guides have in common: federal spending. No matter your priorities – whether you care about student loans, operations against ISIS, or paving the roads in your neighborhood – it all comes back to the federal budget and federal spending.

Here is a sampling of what you’ll find in the Competing Visions: Election Edition:


President Obama

House Budget Committee

House Congressional Progressive Caucus

Federal Spending

Prevents across-the-board sequestration cuts from hitting military and domestic discretionary programs and provides an additional $162 billion in domestic discretionary funding above the sequester over the next ten years.

Allows sequestration to cut domestic discretionary programs and then makes additional substantial cuts of $791 over the next ten years. Prevents sequestration from affecting the military budget.

Prevents sequestration cuts to domestic programs and provides an additional $1.56 trillion in domestic discretionary funding above the sequester over the next ten years.  Reduces military spending by $255 billion over the next ten years.


For more on how lawmakers propose breaking down the federal budget – and how they want to pay for it – check out Competing Visions: Election Edition, and don’t forget to vote next week on November 4th!