Call your Senator: Stop the U.S. Role in Yemen War


Stop US in Yemen War

You may know by now that the Senate voted last week to move forward a bill stopping U.S. support for Saudi Arabia’s role in the Yemen war. The vote wasn’t close: at 63-37, the measure sailed through with bipartisan support.

This is just the beginning. This first vote only paves the way for a vote to actually pull U.S. support from this appalling war. But, it marks huge progress since this spring, when a similar vote by the exact same Senators failed by a 55-44 margin.

This marks a real opportunity to save countless lives by stopping the U.S. role in the Yemen war right here and now.

As bad as the war is, the biggest threat now facing the Yemeni people is starvation (warning: graphic images) brought on as a direct result of war tactics by Saudi Arabia and aided by the United States (warning: graphic images).

If you’ve seen the images of starving Yemeni children, you know how hard it is to get them out of your head. And the reality is that the U.S. must share the blame in the creation of this entirely man-made tragedy. 

The Senate could hold its next vote as soon as Wednesday, December 5. This is a crucial test of the will of the Senate to exercise its constitutionally assigned war powers, a duty it has been neglecting for the last 17 years.

You can help end the war in Yemen today.

Call your Senator and urge them to vote to stop the U.S. role in the atrocities in Yemen.

Click here to get started.