Budget Matters Blog

Trade-Offs from the 2020 Trump Budget

America's military budget is so huge that the Trump budget's proposed increases for FY 2020 can seem like a drop in the bucket. But let's compare the value of some of Trump's most extra priorities to things that can actually improve people's lives.

Trump's $174 Billion Budget Lie

If Trump pretends that the Pentagon is also subject to strict spending limits, he can argue that his more than $50 billion in cuts to programs like the Environmental Protection Agency and Legal Aid are honest attempts to control federal spending. 

Trump's FY2020 Budget Request Bloats Militarized Spending—and Slashes Actual Human Needs

At long last, President Trump released his third presidential budget request today, after a month-long delay due to the government shutdown. And it’s a doozy.

How Much Could We Buy With a 70% Top Marginal Tax Rate?

How much could our federal government pay for if the top marginal tax rate was raised to 70 percent?

Tell Congress to Use Their Power: No National Emergency at the Border

The president will declare a national emergency in order to commandeer federal funds to build his wall, according to reports today.

Deja vu: Four Days Until Shutdown

It's deja vu all over again.

Trump Budget Delayed By Shutdown

The president’s budget request, which is legally due on the first Monday in February, will be late this year as a direct result of the government shutdown.

It’s Time to Demilitarize Our Budget to Fight Climate Change

While the Trump administration fixates on a militarized non-solution to the non-crisis at the border, the real crisis is staring us in the face: accelerating climate change. And demilitarizing the U.S. budget is part of any real climate solution.

Border Solution Must Not Include a Wall

It’s time to end this shutdown once and for all, and it’s time to end the fiction that Americans want or need a wall at our border.

Is the End of the Shutdown Near?

It’s day 33 of the shutdown. An announcement Wednesday by House Democrats offered yet another possible solution to the ongoing government shutdown battle over the president’s demand for $5 billion for a border wall.