Budget Matters Blog

Updated Data: TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families)

TANF individual and family participation numbers are now current through fiscal year 2011.

Why the Senate Won’t Pass a Budget

This week the U.S. Senate will consider a series of amendments to the budget resolution. A budget resolution sets out spending and revenue guidelines for Congress’s annual appropriations process.Except that the Senate won’t pass a budget resolution this year. To Hill watchers, this isn’t too surprising – the media is ...

Updated Data: School Meals

School breakfast, school lunch, and summer lunch participation numbers are now current through fiscal year 2011.

Knowledge Is Power (And You Don’t Have to Take My Word for It)

This week we announced the release of our new book A People’s Guide to the Federal Budget, and in yesterday’s blog post we admitted to being idealists: A book can change the world, we said. But it’s not just because we’re idealists that we think so. Consider the evidence.

A People's Guide to the Federal Budget

National Priorities Project is thrilled to announce the release of our new book, A People's Guide to the Federal Budget. Call us idealists, but we at NPP believe that a little information goes a long way, and that a book can change history. Washington belongs to the people, and this book is the federal budget for the rest of us.

American Community Survey Under Attack

Today the House of Representatives passed H.R. 5326, the appropriations bill for the Departments of Commerce and Justice, NASA, and other related agencies.H.R. 5326 includes an amendment that would prohibit the Department of Commerce from funding the American Community Survey (ACS), a yearly household survey conducted by the Census Bureau. ...

Why We Need the DATA Act

Having access to a single, comprehensive source for U.S. federal spending data isn't a partisan matter. We support the DATA Act because accurate spending information is critical to an informed budget conversation.

Updated Data: State Children's Health Insurance Program Enrollments

State Children's Health Insurance Program enrollments are now current through fiscal year 2010.

You Ask, We Don't Answer: How Much Money Does the Federal Government Spend?

Tracking federal spending is tricky, but it's critical to having an informed discussion about the budget. Because "federal spending" can mean different things and involves multiple sources of data, we often don't know exactly how much is spent on a particular program. The DATA Act wants to fix that.

You Ask, We Answer: Why Doesn't the Government Publish These Numbers?

The White House used to put out a Citizen's Guide to the Federal Budget every year, but it was discontinued during the George W. Bush presidency. President Obama has not resurrected the practice. Meanwhile, valuable information about how the federal government spends our tax dollars is going extinct