Budget Matters Blog

Entries By Guest Blogger

Justice Prevails: A Grassroots Victory in the Fight against Nuclear Weapons Proliferation

A long and hard fought win offers us a pivotal moment to advocate and mobilize for the fulfillment of human needs and protection of all life - over the expansion of nuclear arms production.  

Shut Them Down! Closing Military Bases is Long Overdue

US military bases are wasteful, harmful, and expensive - and resistance to them is justified. On February 23, 2025, people gathered for an international day of action to call for the closure of military bases around the world. 

Wanna Make America Healthy? Cut Military Spending

If policymakers wanted to actually improve the health of Americans they would be making larger investments in expanding food security and healthcare programs– not the military.

Organizing and Mutual Aid are the Answers to a “Peace” Climate Summit that Was Anything But

Militarism and fossil fuel dependency are inextricably linked– yet world leaders ignored this reality when they gathered to hash out global climate goals at the so-called ‘peace’ COP. When world leaders drop the ball this badly, it’s up to us to lead the way forward. 

Hurricane Helene at the Nexus of Climate Crisis and U.S. Militarism

Last month, people across the southeastern U.S. lost their homes, communities, and lives to the devastating impacts of Hurricane Helene. To protect our shared future, decarbonization and demilitarization must go hand-in-hand. 

A New ‘Nuclear Era’– The Same Negligent Spending

The effort to produce plutonium pits is racking up to be a costly endeavor, straining an already military-heavy federal budget– for something we don’t need or want.  

Defund the JSF Program, Refund Our Communities!

On the afternoon of March 28, 2024, an F35-B Lightning II fighter jet crashed into a hillside in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The nearly brand-new aircraft, demolished and ablaze, was previously worth roughly $109 million. Like many New Mexicans, the costly damage made me wonder, what else could that money have gone to? 

U.S. Military Spends More than the Next 9 countries in 2023

Globally, 2023 proved to be a record breaking year for military spending. 

What We Spend on the EPA Compared to Pentagon Contractors

Each year Congress gives more than 50% of its discretionary budget to the Pentagon. and one of the most wasteful uses of this money is on contract spending. 

The Climate Justice Movement Must Be Anti-War: Notes from Antiwar Organizers

No matter your specific organizational or ideological affiliation, anyone who cares about climate change today ought to understand the critical connections between war, imperialism, and the climate crisis.