Why Should You Care About the Federal Government?
Activity Type: Group
Chapter: All
Objective: Students will be able to analyze the federal budget from multiple perspectives.
- On the chalk board/white board write: “Budgets are as much about spending as they are about revenue.”
- Depending on the resources available in the classroom, the teacher will need to determine the best way to have the students play NPP’s Build a Better Budget Game http://www.buildabetterbudget.org/?code=NPP
- If the students have played Build a Better Budget in groups, then they should remain with their groups to answer the following questions. If the class has played the game as a whole, the teacher should divide the class into groups of three or four to answer the following questions:
- What are your federal spending and revenue priorities?
- In Build a Better Budget, where did you cut spending/increase spending and why?
- In Build a Better Budget, where did you cut revenue/increase revenue and why?
- As a full class, discuss the students’ experience in their groups:
- Where did students have difficulty agreeing?
- How difficult might it be for Congress to agree? Why?
- What must members of Congress consider when grappling with the federal budget?
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