Jobs and Budget Crises Data: Local Impacts and Federal Initiatives

NPP Pressroom

Aggressive Progressive
Sarah VonEsch

The economy may be turning around for some, but in many states across the country, unemployment is well above ten percent. Most of us can probably point to situations where people are losing their jobs and homes, small businesses are closing, social services are being cut and families are forced to dip into their children's college education funds to pay the bills and mortgage. With literally millions of personal anecdotes floating around, it can be challenging to find enough statistics that illustrate the severity of the jobs and state budget crises. Thankfully, the National Priorities Project is now offering a user-friendly Resource Packet on the jobs and state budget crisis. Among other information, the packet includes: * U.S. metro area job recovery estimates * Figures on state budget crises * Impacts of national tax and spending priorities * Impacts of the Local Jobs for America Act (Miller bill) on states and cities * Information on employment-related data for each state With millions of Americans out of work and 48 states dealing with budget deficits, we must take action now to stem the jobs crisis. Please share these resource packets with elected officials and fellow activists working to put America back to work.