Obama's Budget; Wisconsin

NPP Pressroom

Dollars & Sense
Chris Sturr

(1) Obama's Budget: Our trustworthy source for analysis of Obama's 2012 budget proposal: The National Priorities Project: Presidents Budget 2012: Values By The Numbers Feb. 18, 2011 National Priorities Project offers four detailed analyses of President Obama's $3.7 trillion budget for Fiscal Year 2012 focused on: expenditures, revenue and deficits, the impact of federal spending on the states and a detailed FY2012 budget overview with a selection of actual and projected revenue and spending charts. FY2012 Spending in Historical Perspective What's inside? * Bar Chart – compares actual FY2008 (last year before the recession) to estimated FY2011 and proposed FY2012 * Federal Budget Pie Chart – shows percentages of spending for Mandatory, Discretionary and interest owed on the national debt FY2012 Revenues and Deficits in Historical Perspective What's inside? * Bar Chart – breaks out FY2000 to FY2012 federal revenue and borrowing * Pie Chart – details projected FY2012 revenues by source Note: these features contain embedded information that is accessed by scrolling over each bar or pie slice. Federal Spending at the State Level What's inside? * Fully Downloadable Table – presents state-level funding for thirty-three federal programs, including Medicaid, SNAP, CHIP, LIHEAP and public housing * View by state or program * Compares FY2010 actual spending with FY2011 estimated spending and FY2012 proposed spending * Click on the program to find out more about what it funds The President's Budget Unveiled What's inside? * Analysis – a complete overview of President Obama's proposed budget highlighting salient points and offering key questions to consider * Revenue and Spending Charts – a selection of actual and projected revenue and spending information in easy-to-understand chart formats (2) More on Wisconsin: Things have continued to heat up in Wisconsin; the message seems to be getting out there that the budget deficit is a pretext, in fact caused by tax breaks for businesses, all an excuse to bust unions. Here are some links about the ongoing push-back against the forces of reaction there: * Doug Henwood of Left Business Observer was out there to give a talk, and had this to say upon his return to Brooklyn; * Folks from the Center for Media and Democracy were doing live blogging from the protests yesterday; * Our pal Mark Engler had a blog post at the Dissent website entitled The Wisconsin Uprising; * An even more explicit comparison between Madison and Cairo appears at Alternet: Is Wisconsin Our Egypt?? * Michael Hudson (the economist, not the journalist) is interviewed at the Real News Network on how Obama's Budget Pushes States into War with Their Unions. That's all I have for now–back to work on the March/April issue.