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Weapons for a Warming World: U.S. Contributions to the Green Climate Fund vs. Foreign Military Financing

To avoid the most destabilizing effects of a warming planet at home and abroad, the U.S. must rebalance foreign aid priorities and commit to providing a fair share of global climate adaptation and mitigation efforts– and end the arms aid that fuels conflict and enriches corporations that profit from endless ... Continue Reading

The U.S. Splurges on Militarism and Not Enough for Our Communities

The militarized budget is only getting higher. How could we have spent those dollars just in the last year and the past 20 years for children, students, workers, and our environment? Continue Reading

Pay taxes? You gave $1,087 to Pentagon contractors

Here are some quick tax facts. Are we getting our nation's priorities right? Continue Reading

Pay taxes? You gave $929 to Pentagon contractors in 2021

The average taxpayer paid $929 just for Pentagon contractors in 2021. Continue Reading

Budget Deal Prioritizes War and Militarization Over Critical Needs, Again

March 9 - Today a bipartisan budget deal to fund the federal government for FY 2022 was announced. The deal provides $730 billion in domestic spending vs. $782 billion for the military and war. National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies released the following statement: Continue Reading

NPP Condemns Passage of $778 Pentagon Bill

December 8, 2021 - The House of Representatives yesterday voted to approve a $778 billion Pentagon bill. National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies released the following statement. Continue Reading

Progress on Pentagon Cuts Must Continue

Two votes on cuts to the Pentagon budget today showed more members of Congress are willing to take a stand against a bloated Pentagon budget that has fueled endless wars and obscene profits for military contractors. Continue Reading

National Priorities Project Commends Senate Rejection of $50 Billion Pentagon Grab

August 10 - Today the Senate rejected an amendment to the budget resolution to add $50 billion to the Pentagon budget, 46-53. The National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies issued the following statement. Continue Reading

President Biden's Discretionary Budget is Still 50% Military and War

The president's request calls for $753 billion for the Pentagon and nuclear weapons, plus another $12 billion in foreign military aid. Continue Reading

COVID Shrank the Global Economy, but U.S. Military Spending is Still More Than Next 11 Countries Combined

The world spent almost $2 trillion on militaries in 2020, according to the latest data on global military expenditures compiled by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). That's a military spending increase of 2.6 per cent in real terms since 2019, even as global gross domestic product (GDP) shrank by 4.4% Continue Reading