Congress is considering a complete re-write of the tax code, as we mentioned as part of the four Hot Summer Budget Battles. Lawmakers are using what's being called a "blank slate" approach to consider eliminating hundreds of tax loopholes. Right now Senators Max Baucus (D- MT) and Orrin Hatch (R- MI) are taking input from other members of Congress about what this tax overhaul should look like, so this is a chance for you to influence what happens in Washington by contacting your legislators. Get started by figuring out who your legislators are and how to get in touch.
What are your priorities? Eliminate or preserve tax breaks? Use new revenue to fund federal programs, or reduce deficits, or cut tax rates? For some background, check out this blog post on tax loopholes, some more details on what Senators Baucus and Hatch are working on, and this handy infographic: