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The Big Money in Tax Breaks

National Priorities Project announces the release of one-of-kind info on tax breaks and exactly who benefits. Continue Reading

Cost of National Security

As the U.S. considers intervention in Syria, Cost of National Security tracks spending on cruise missiles and other military programs – and asks, What counts as national security to you? Continue Reading

Take Action During the August Recess

Everyone, not just DC insiders, should have a chance to understand complex budget issues that impact all of us. To help, we’ve published six one-page, easy-to-understand fact sheets so you can go forth and influence Washington during the August recess. Continue Reading

This Is Your Chance to Change Washington

Congress is considering a complete re-write of the tax code, as we mentioned as part of the four Hot Summer Budget Battles. This is a chance for you to influence what happens in Washington. Continue Reading

Four Hot Summer Budget Battles that Affect You

There are four hot summer budget battles ahead. In honor of our democracy we'll cover each hot topic in detail between Flag Day on June 14 and Independence Day on July 4. Continue Reading

Sequestration's Havoc Hits Home

Budget cuts known as sequestration are reducing funding for programs ranging from Head Start and Meals on Wheels to the Department of Defense – though the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) may be spared, thanks to quick action by Congress to stop flight delays. The important thing to understand is that sequestration ... Continue Reading

What Else Could Your Tax Dollars Buy? And Much More

Recently National Priorities Project unveiled a wealth of new resources to help you understand what's happening in Washington, view the local impact of federal spending, see exactly where your tax dollars are spent, and explore what else your taxes could buy if our national priorities looked a bit more like ... Continue Reading

Federal Priorities Database Features County-Level Federal Spending from USASpending.gov

National Priorities Project's one-of-a-kind Federal Priorities Database now features data from USASpending.gov. See how much the federal government spends in your county for programs like Social Security, the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), Pell Grants, and much more. Explore the Federal Priorities Database. Continue Reading

See How Obama, House, Senate Budgets Compare to Public Opinion

President Obama released his 2014 budget proposal on April 10, while budget blueprints for fiscal 2014 have already passed the House and Senate. See our side-by-side comparison of these different visions for our country, and how they compare to public opinion on a host of important issues ranging from jobs ... Continue Reading

Tax Day – See Where Your Taxes Went

Millions of Americans will file their 2012 federal income tax returns on April 15, but few know what happens to their tax dollars. That’s why National Priorities Project has launched Tax Day 2013 – to show exactly how each federal income tax dollar was spent in 2012, down to the ... Continue Reading