Debt & Deficit

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Debt and Deficit

Budget deficits have declined sharply in recent years, down from about 10 percent of the U.S. economy in fiscal 2009, to a projected 3.2 percent in 2015.

Blog Posts

Open Community Forum this Friday

Nora Ranney |

Please mark your calendars and join us for an engaging discussion on the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.

Balanced Budget Amendment: Three Reasons It’s A Colossally Bad Idea

Lindsay Koshgarian |

A balanced budget amendment was, is, and will remain a really, really bad idea.

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Trump & GOP Stack the Deck Against Struggling Americans to Build a War and Mass Deportation Machine

Hanna Homestead

The GOP’s extreme increases in militarized spending - at the expense of working people and the planet - will make us all less secure.

BUDGET EXPLAINER: Senate Republicans Reach for Historic Levels of Militarized Spending at the Expense of Human Needs

Hanna Homestead

Senate Republicans are aiming to cut federal spending on social services while increasing the budget by at least $346 billion over the next four years ($86.5 billion annually) to fund the Pentagon and a disastrous and cruel mass deportation plan. Policymakers must step up to help struggling families, not tear families apart while enriching corporations and billionaires at the expense of working people. 

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