Health Care

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Health Care Spending

Health care is the fastest-growing type of federal spending, having risen from 7 percent of the federal budget in 1976 to more than a quarter in fiscal year 2015 as health care costs have risen in the industrialized world.

Blog Posts

Wanna Make America Healthy? Cut Military Spending

Guest Blogger |

If policymakers wanted to actually improve the health of Americans they would be making larger investments in expanding food security and healthcare programs– not the military.

From the Climate Crisis to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Our Militarized Budget Fuels Injustice

Samantha Garcia |

While climate change fuels migration, the United States hardens its southern border instead of investing in real sources of safety for people in this country and around the world. 

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Recent Publications

Trump & GOP Stack the Deck Against Struggling Americans to Build a War and Mass Deportation Machine

Hanna Homestead

The GOP’s extreme increases in militarized spending - at the expense of working people and the planet - will make us all less secure.

A Moral Budget vs. A War Budget

Lindsay Koshgarian

These two bills represent diametrically opposed views of how to address the challenges of our time: a moral budget vs a war budget. Congress: Which side are you on?

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