2013 Blog Archives

Can Worries for Head Start Stop?

Now that the shutdown is over, Head Start families and employees can breathe a sigh of relief, right? Well....

30 Years of Taking Back the Federal Budget

On October 18, NPP celebrated our 30th anniversary with an event honoring keynote speakers Ai-jen Poo, Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner, and Barney Frank, as well as Democracy Champions from around the country.

Lawmakers Called Cancer Treatment for Children "Nonessential"

The government shutdown allowed us to glimpse our lawmakers' values, and what we saw was ugly.

Congress Approves Deal to Reopen Government, Raise Debt Ceiling

After more than two weeks of the government shutdown, Congress approved a deal to fund the government through Jan. 15 and raise the debt ceiling through Feb. 7.

No Deal Yet? End the Shutdown and Raise the Debt Ceiling

We are now 15 days into the government shutdown, and just two days away from the debt ceiling deadline. Together, we must demand better.

Three Dangerous Myths About the Debt Ceiling

Why should you care about the debt limit? Here's a look at some of the debt ceiling myths making the rounds and what you can do about it.

243 Million Ways to End This Shutdown

Our nation is in crisis. The federal government has shutdown and lawmakers show no sign of moving toward an agreement. But there are 243 million ways to end this shutdown.

How Much Does the Government Shutdown Cost?

We've been talking a lot about how this government shutdown is corrosive for our democracy. But, of course, there's also a cost in dollars.

Government Shutdown: What You Need to Know

The government has shut down today because Congress failed to do its job of passing a budget for fiscal year 2014, which begins today.

Government Shutdown: Dear Congress

NPP is working with partner organizations to send a letter to our lawmakers in Washington, D.C. Dear Congress: it's time for Congress to return to the regular appropriations process and ensure that people have a voice in how their tax dollars are spent.