Wow! National Priorities Project nominated for 2014 Nobel Peace Prize.

Nobel Peace Prize

On the morning of January 25, NPP received amazing and thrilling news: we had been nominated for the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize by the International Peace Bureau (IPB).

We are humbled and honored by this international recognition. In its nomination statement, IPB praised NPP's decades of work to analyze federal spending on the military and war and use that information to engage the American public on federal spending priorities:

"Within the world's largest-spending state in terms of military budgets, i.e. the USA, few have devoted as much energy to studying the budget process as National Priorities Project. And few have brought to the task such a clear and steadfast commitment to re-allocating the enormous sums devoted to the military, in order to instead address vital issues such as inequality, unemployment, education, health and the need to build a green economy."

NPP's work would not be possible without the partnership of dozens of peace organizations across the nation which use our numbers in their grassroots advocacy and organizing. We honor their efforts in our shared fight for a federal budget that reflects the priorities of the American people.

This Nobel Peace Prize nomination underscores the absolute necessity of NPP's unique and innovative work, while raising the domestic and global stakes for our success.

We are proud to build on the legacy of NPP's founder, Greg Speeter, and the many people who have been part of NPP's board and staff team over the last 30 years.

Please show your support and partnership for our work by making a donation in honor of our Nobel Peace Prize nomination!

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