November 2014 Blog Archives

NPP Gives Thanks for the Federal Budget

This holiday season, NPP staff share what makes them thankful for the federal budget.

Can America #EndEndlessWar?

The Obama administration is backing down from plans to remove combat troops from Afghanistan.

Give back for all Americans on #GivingTuesday

Join NPP on #GivingTuesday and give back for federal budget priorities that work for all Americans!

Executive Action on Immigration: A Win for the Federal Budget and the Economy

Immigration reform is a positive for the United States in many ways, and not least is the positive impact such reform would have on the federal budget.

What’s So Important About Tax Extenders?

“Tax extenders” can be a tough topic to figure out, which is why we just published “Tax Extenders, Explained.”  This blog explains why tax extenders are so important.

What Can We Expect from the Lame Duck Congress?

Lawmakers returned to Washington yesterday to begin work in the “lame duck” Congress that goes through the end of the year. There’s plenty to do, but there’s no telling how much will actually get done.

How Much Do We Spend on Our Nation’s Veterans?

Last week news broke that 629 U.S. troops believe they were exposed to chemical warfare agents while overseas more than a decade ago.  This begs the question: how much does our nation spend on veterans? 

President Requests $5.6 Billion to Fight ISIS

What does America expect to accomplish in fighting ISIS? And what will it cost?

Your Vote, and What Next?

Of the respondents to our informal election day poll, 96% of you said you would or had already voted this year. 

Post-Election NPP: The 114th Congress and Beyond

No matter who's in office, NPP will continue its pursuit of a transparent, accessible federal budget.