Budget Matters Blog

Gridlock in the Budget Process

President Obama released a budget in February, the House passed a very different budget in March, and the Senate has declined to do a budget. The seeds are planted for stalemate this election year. Why can't Congress just pass a budget without all this conflict?

You Ask, We Answer: Why Are There Different Versions of the Budget?

Rebecca from Lititz, Pennsylvania, asked: Why are there different versions of the budget, and who decides which one becomes the actual budget for the federal government? It’s a good question. You might have read in the news recently about the House budget introduced by Rep. Paul Ryan. And back in ...

Data Story: Programs Highlighted in the Budget Request

Our latest data story highlights some of the historical federal spending patterns for several grant programs featured in President Obama's budget proposal for fiscal year 2013.

President Obama's New Budget

National Priorities Project examines the president's new budget, and why it matters.