Budget Matters Blog

NPP's Numbers in the Wild: Cost of the Modern Soldier

Saul Page used NPP's numbers to create an infographic about the cost of the modern soldier. If you use our data in your work, let us know!

Tax Day 2013, Tax Receipts, and Trade-Offs

Introducing trade-offs, a new tool in NPP's tax day arsenal. In addition to generating a personal income tax receipt, you can now see how much your state, county, congressional district, and town contributed to federal programs and reallocate those tax dollars to match your personal priorities.

U.S. Security Spending Since 9/11

Last week NPP published "U.S. Security Spending Since 9/11," an analysis of total federal spending on defense and homeland security since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The key findings of the report were:The United States has spent more than $7.6 trillion on defense and homeland security since the ...