Educator Toolkit

Toolkits for your classroom.

Peoples Guide to the Federal Budget

These activities to go hand in hand with NPP's A Peoples Guide to the Federal Budget, but can also be used independently.

Title Chap. Type Objective
Campaign Finance 4 Group Students will examine the multi-faceted issues facing campaign finance and what impact it has on our government.
Cartoon Analysis – Lobbying 4 Group Students will utilize a primary source – a political cartoon – to analyze and to categorize political messages and meanings.
Cartoon Analysis – Transparency 2 Group/Individual Students will utilize a primary source – a political cartoon – in order to analyze a political message.
Debate on Keynesian vs Supply Side Economics 4 Group Students will be able to discuss two different economic theories and apply them to contemporary issues.
Federal Spending Trade-Offs 6 Individual Students will be able to determine the estimated amount of federal income taxes from their state (and possibly their county, city or town) that went to fund specific federal programs/initiatives. Students will then be able to examine what else those tax dollars could have funded.
Four Corners – Lobbying 4 Group Students will form and defend an opinion on lobbying and will be able to articulate the current debate surrounding lobbying.
Four Corners – Where Does the Money Go? 2 Group/Individual Students will be able to articulate a position on federal spending (verbally and in writing).
Historic Events and the Federal Budget 3 Group Students will analyze the changes in government spending in relation to historic events throughout the 20th Century.
History of the Federal Budget 3 Group/Individual Students will research and explain the various changes in the budgetary process from 1789 through the present.
Social Program Priorities 6 Group Students will be able to describe and understand at least ten social programs funded by the federal budget. Students will work together in groups to prioritize funding for these programs.
Spending Priorities 5 Group/Individual Students will be able to articulate how tax dollars are allocated between different spending categories.
The Impact of Government 1 Group Students will be able to discuss the impact of government decisions on their lives.
The Political Spectrum 3 Group Students will be able to place issues on a political spectrum and identify where they are most likely to position themselves
Why Should You Care About the Federal Government? All Group Students will be able to analyze the federal budget from multiple perspectives.
Write a Letter to Your Congressperson 6, 7 and 9 Individual Students will be able to write a letter to their Congressperson about something they would prioritize regarding federal spending and/or revenue, and what impact their decision would have on them or their community.
Write and Respond: Democracy All Group Students will be able to express their ideas, feelings and questions about democracy in writing and verbally.
Your Tax Dollars 5 & 6 Group/Individual Students will be able to understand graphically where their tax dollars go.