2014 Blog Archives

President Requests $5.6 Billion to Fight ISIS

What does America expect to accomplish in fighting ISIS? And what will it cost?

Your Vote, and What Next?

Of the respondents to our informal election day poll, 96% of you said you would or had already voted this year. 

Post-Election NPP: The 114th Congress and Beyond

No matter who's in office, NPP will continue its pursuit of a transparent, accessible federal budget.

Will You Vote On Tuesday, November 4?

Will You Vote On Tuesday, November 4?

Senate Races, Gubernatorial Races, and State Smart

Election 2014 is almost upon us. "Interest, amuse, and amaze yourselves between campaign commercials" with State Smart.

NPP Brings You Competing Visions: Election Edition

This week, we revisit our popular Competing Visions analysis and provide you with a breakdown of how some lawmakers propose divvying up the federal budget. Because that’s what all our voter’s guides have in common: federal spending.

The U.S. Has Now Spent more than $1 Billion on Operations Against ISIS

As of today, the U.S. has spent $1 billion on operations against ISIS since June 16.

New Open Federal Spending Data: Week One

One week after launch, NPP presents hard-hitting analysis of the most popular State Smart states.

What Has the U.S. Spent Fighting Ebola?

What has the U.S. spent fighting Ebola? It seems nobody really knows. One thing we do know: it’s not a lot.

Spotlight: NPP's Data Transparency Voter's Guide

This week, following on the release of NPP’s new State Smart website that allows you to see how federal dollars flow to and from your state, we’re spotlighting our Data Transparency voter’s guide.