NPP's team doesn't just do the math and go home. We deliver consistent, accessible, and relevant material into the hands of journalists, lawmakers, organizers and individuals across the country – every day of the year. In 2011, as all eyes were on the federal budget, the audience for our work expanded as dramatically as the hot budget debate.
- NPP’s traditional print media increased by 30% in 2011
- Facebook likes increased by 462% and we ended the year with 6,657 friends
- Interaction with our Facebook page grew 810%
Tools and Resources
- Budget Matters Blog
Staff logged 68 posts in 2011 on topics ranging from the super committee to the Low Income Home Energy Assistance program. In 2011 website views climbed to 37,628. - Budget Briefs
Each Monday, catch a member of the NPP team on YouTube as we offer a brief window into the hottest federal budget conversation. - Federal Priorities Database News
Staff logged 35 posts and updates after the September 15 official launch on topics ranging from the potential impact of sequestration on Federal Work-Study funding to Food Stamp's role in combating food insecurity.
Social Media
NPP was very social in 2011. Join us!
Traditional Media
NPP continues to experience significant growth in national, state, and local media coverage. In 2011, a broad range of outlets cited NPP's data analysis – from individual blogs to on-line news media to more traditional media outlets such as the Associated Press, Christian Science Monitor, Boston Globe, The Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, National Public Radio, Newshour with Jim Lehrer, USA Today, Pacifica Radio, Free Speech Radio, ABC-TV, and CBS.
Public Appearances
In 2011, NPP's staff offered talks and workshops in cities like Chicago, IL; Tallahassee, FL; Princeton, NJ; Bangor, ME; Minneapolis, MN, Boston, MA; Albany, NY; Philadelphia, PA, Washington, DC; Lansing, MI; and Concord, NH.